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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Benefits of Lotus

Lotus (Nelumbo Druce Nelumbium) included in the family Nymphaeaceae. Synonyms of this plant are Nelumbiurn nuciferum, Gaertn. = N. speciosum, Wilid. = Nelumbo nucifera, Gaertn. = Nyrnphaea Nelumbo, Linn. And has local name: Padma, lotus, Terate, tarate, large lotus.
Chronic aquatic plants this beautiful, native of mainland Asia. Lotus cultivated in waters and ponds, sometimes found growing wild in the marshes. Rumbah water plants upright. Thick scaly rhizomes, growing creeper. Leaves and flowers come out directly from the rhizome attached to the mud in the bottom of the pool. Leaf blade width and round, supported by a long stalk and a spherical diameter from 0.5 to 1 cm, length of 75-150 cm. Leaves poking above the surface of the water, looming up like a shield. Waxy leaf surfaces; whitish green color, flat edge, the center slightly sunken, skeleton leaves leaves spread from the center toward the edge, diameter 30-50 cm. The flowers are fragrant, grown towering above the surface of the water with a long round and sturdy stalk, stalk length of 75-200 cm. Flower diameter of 15-25 cm, many stamens yellow anthers, flowers crown width, there is no single and double with pink, white and yellow. Flowers bloom a full day from morning until late afternoon. After wilting, flower crown bergugurn basis until the remaining interest that would happen would be fruit, shaped like inverted cone with a flat surface and a sort of spongy holes contain 15-30 seeds, the color is yellowish green, then green and finally dark brown, median line 6 - 11 cm. Seeds are round like a peanut, found in the pits of fruit shaped like a honeycomb. Old seeds blackish green color, age approximately 1 month after the flowers bloom. The leaves are commonly used as a packing material, young rhizomes and seeds are edible.

Dapaat parts used for the treatment of:
The whole plant include rhizomes, leaves and stems, flowers and stamens, seeds and flowers such as buffer honeycomb / sponge (reseptacle), as well as the seeds sprout. Use fresh or dried.
Lotus contains several different chemical content in each part. On flower containing lutiolin, isokuersitrin, quercetin, and kaempferol. Stamens contain alkaloids, isokersitrin, leteolin, quercetin and galuteolin. Buffer interest: proteins, fats, carbohydrates carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin B1, B2, C and slightly nelumbin. Seeds: raffinosa containing starch, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Bud seeds: liensinin, isoliensinin, neferin, nuciferin, prouciferin, lotusina, methylcorypallin, demethylcoclaurine, geluteolin and hyperin. Rhizome: starch, protein, asparagine, vitamin C, d-gallacotechol, neochlorogenik acid, leucocyanidin and peroxidation. Root: tanat substances, and asparagine. Leaves: roemerin, nornuciferin. Petiole: roemerin, nornuciferin, resins, and substances tanat.

Seeds: - Impaired absorption of food (malabsorbtion). - Diarrhea because of weakness, chronic intestinal inflammation (chronic enteritis),
- Dysentery.
- Vomiting.
- Vaginal discharge, bleeding in women.
- Wet dreams (spermatorrhea).
- Hard to sleep, a lot of dreams.
- Urinary pain and turbid.
- Fatigue is not excited (neurasthenia).
- Cancer nasopharynx.
Bud lotus seeds:
- Fever, thirst.
- Heart palpitations, restlessness.
- Vomiting of blood.
- Premature ejaculation.
- Eyes red and swollen.
- Difficult sleep (insomnia).
- High blood pressure (hypertension).
Sari thread:
- Out sperm evening (sperrnatorrhea).
- Vaginal discharge (leucorrhea).
- Bleeding such as vomiting blood, dysentery.
- Frequent urination.
- Unable to hold urine (enuresis).
Remptacle: - Bleeding excessive content.
- Excessive menstrual blood.
- Bleeding during pregnancy.
- Discharge (lochia) excessive after delivery.
- Lower abdominal pain due to blood clots.
- Dysentery, urinating blood.
- Hemorrhoids, wet sores.
- Fever, thirst.
- Coughing up blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds.
- Dysentery, blood urine, high blood pressure.
- Sick of heart.
- Gastric disorders.
- Less blood (anemia).
- Disorders of the menopause (menopause).
- Neurosis.
- Vomiting of blood, nosebleeds.
- Urinary hot and red.
- Coughing up blood, dysentery.
- Fainting due to heat (heat stroke).
- Diarrhea due to heat or moisture.
- Dizziness, headache.
- Give - Give.
- Bleeding such as nosebleeds, vomiting blood, dysentery.
- Bleeding in women.
Leaf base:
- Bloody dysentery, diarrhea.
- Babies in the womb are not calm.
- Heat stroke, fainting. - Chest feels depressed because of heat or moisture.
- Diarrhea, vomiting.
- Whitish.
- Hit (trauma).
- Bleeding.
- Inflammation of purulent skin (impetigo).
Starchy rhizomes:
- Increase appetite.
- The weak and less blood.
- Diarrhea.

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