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Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Celery Benefits For Our Bodies

Celery (Apium graveolens L) is an erect herbaceous, annual, and has about 25-100 cm. Celery sticks sided and grooved longitudinally, with numerous flowers, small, and white or greenish white. There are three classes of celery, the celery leaves, celery slices, and celery bulbous.

Celery is known to contain a lot of provitamin A, vitamin B and C, essential oils, protein, calcium, and phosphate salts. With the abortion, Celery believed to help increase levels of uric acid in the blood, reducing pain in inventory due to uric acid, lowers blood pressure, normalize blood sugar, heart and bone health, overcome urinary tract infections, as well as degenerative and neutralize the effects of free radicals .

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