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Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

Radish For Our Health

Radish (raphanus sativus) is an annual herbaceous plant that bulbous. Radish plant has a taproot with roots that grow beside the taproot. Taproot is later transformed into the function and form large bulbs. The flowers resemble flowers but white cabbage while the seeds are round, large, and yellowish in color. For the trunk, its size and the short oval hairy leaves.

Radish into the family Cruciferae and has three varieties, namely: Raphanus sativus L. Var. Hortensis Backer, Rahpanus sativus L. Var. Radicula Pres. A. DC or better known as radish, and the latter, Raphanus sativus L. Var. Niger Mirat or better known as the black radish because it has a black colored bulbs.

Radish contains an enzyme known to many who served diatase help digest starch, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, essential oils, choline, crude fiber, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, iron substance, oxalic acid, potassium, silicon, and raphain. With the abortion, Radish believed to reduce hardening and fat deposits in the body, cleanse the liver, prevents constipation, preventing cancer, treating coughs and bronchitis, fever and cure hemorrhoids, overcome sleeplessness or insomnia, rheumatism, reduces appetite, helps overcome sinus disease , treating strep throat, clear mucus and phlegm (mucus), as well as prevent viral infections such as coughs and colds.

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