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Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

The Benefit Of Nut Of Palm For Our Health

Nut is a type of palm that grows in the Pacific, Asia and eastern Africa. Penang is also the name of the fruit are traded. Various regional names include pineung (Aceh), pining (Toba Batak), arrest (Md.), jambe (Sd., Jw.), Bua, ua, WUA, pua, Fua, hua (various languages ​​in Nusa Tenggara and Maluku) and various other designations. In English known as Betel palm or Betel nut tree, and its scientific name is Areca catechu.

Slim straight trunked tree nut, can reach a height of 25 m with a diameter of circa 15 cm, although some are larger. Canopy is not dense.
Midrib leaf-shaped tube with a length of 80 cm, petiole short; leaf blade length up to 80 cm, the child leaves 85 x 5 cm, with torn and jagged edge. In Java, areca nut grows to a height of 1,400 m above sea level.

Pinang mainly grown for its seeds used, which in the Western world known as betel nut. This seed mixture is known as one of the betel nut, gambier and lime addition.

Betel nut contains alkaloids such as arekaina (arecaine) and arekolina (arecoline), which is slightly more toxic and addictive, can stimulate the brain. Betel nut crude drug preparations in the pharmacy used to treat intestinal worms, especially tapeworms to overcome. Meanwhile, some kind of nut seeds cause dizziness when chewed. Other substances contained in this fruit, among others arecaidine, arecolidine, guracine (guacine), guvacoline and several other elements. Traditionally, areca nuts are used in potions to treat dysentery, bloody diarrhea, and scurvy. The seed is also used as a red dye producer and materials tanner.

Roots of areca nut type Itam, in the past used as a poisoner to get rid of enemies or those who are not favored. The leaf midrib like tubes (known as upih) is used as a wrapper pastries and food. Top and innermost fronds are eaten as vegetables or pickles contrived.

Some properties of betel nuts is as follows:

  • Treat ear pus. Way, take the roots of young betel nuts to taste, finely crushed, squeezed the water. Clean the ears first sick child with cotton, after that used as drops with betel juice on the sore ear as much as 3 drops. Ear plugs with cotton so that water droplets do not flow out. Perform routine daily until healed.
  • Treating eczema. Way, take the contents of areca nut 1 grain, seed grain Jangkang 5, then mash them finely. Add olive oil / coconut oil and whiting, then rub / urapkan on the skin of eczema. Balut with hooks. Do it twice a day regularly.

1 komentar:

  1. Betel nut when taken by mouth is generally not considered good for health. But its use in various other conditions related with the outside application can be beneficial.



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