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Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

The Benefit Of Ginger For Health

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), is a rhizome plant very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Rhizome fingers shaped bulge in the middle sections. Dominant spicy flavor due to compounds called ketones zingeron.

Including tribal Zingiberaceae ginger (Intersection-finding). The scientific name given by William Roxburgh ginger from the Greek word zingiberi, from Sanskrit, singaberi.

Ginger is thought to have originated from India. But there is also a trust ginger comes from South China. Of India, taken as ginger spice trade to Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and the Middle East. Then in the days of colonialism, ginger can provide a warm and spicy flavor on the food soon became a popular commodity in Europe.

Because ginger can only survive in the tropics, planting can be done only in equatorial regions are like Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa. Currently Equador and Brazil became the world's largest supplier of ginger.

Stem ginger is a pseudo stem with 30 to 100 cm high. Rhizomes with roots shaped root flesh is yellow to reddish with a pungent odor. Pinnate leaves with a length of 15 to 23 mm and a length of 8 to 15 mm. Petiole pubescent.

Ginger flower growing out of the ground oval with a length of 3.5 to 5 cm and a width of 1.5 to 1.75 cm. Scaly peduncle much as 5 to 7 pieces. Yellowish green flowers. Lips flowers and purple anthers. Pistil stalk numbered two.

Some properties of ginger are as follows:

Treat fever and cough and cold. Way, take half a finger of ginger, then finely crushed and boiled with 2 cups of boiling water for about a half hour. Drink one glass of water as much as 2-3 times a day.
Treat gout. The trick, finely minced ginger 2 fingers and 5 spring onions, then mix together one cup of flour and water. Use to rub the sore twice a day to taste.
Treating stiff. Way, take an inch of ginger, then wash and finely milled. Stick it on the part that feels stiff, then wrapped and covered. Do it before bed.

1 komentar:

  1. So much useful tips and suggestions regarding Ginger. I am really happy to see the benefits of ginger. Thanks for sharing this informative article.



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