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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

The Benefit Of Snaps / Beans For Our Health

You must be familiar with the beans. Plants called latin Phaseolus vulgaris beans is similar to his, but shorter and fatter. In addition to delicious disayur, it also contains health benefits. Like what is it?

Plants that includes familia Papilionaceae (Leguminosae) is an upright shrub or plant species with a long twisted 0.3 - 3 meters. Leverage leaves stay attached longer. Child leaves ovate, with a rounded base, tapered, and both sides of the hair. Flower cluster beans are sitting in the armpits of plants, with 1-2 flower pair. Rod cluster is still, as high as 6 cm, and often shorter. Children under the protective leaf petals 3-9 mm long. Petals 5-8 mm high, the top gear is very short.

The bean plants have white flowers crown. The older, the crown changes color to yellow, sometimes even a purple color. Bean seeds or fruit found in many varieties and are traded under a different name as a vegetable. Ranging from brown and white beans, chickpeas and snijbonen spercie, as well as beans and kievitsbonen perluru. Part used fruit and beans.

Plant beans come from America and widely grown there. This plant is also not difficult to be cultivated. Cultivation is generally done by using seeds. The vines really good if his young disayur, especially when used as an extra for the soup. Composition of compounds in vegetables beans include: alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoida, steroid, stigmasterin, trigonelin, arginine, an amino acid, asparagine, kholina, tannins, fasin (toksalbumin), starch, vitamins, and minerals.

Based on the research, contained in beans substances b-sitosterol and stigmasterol were able to increase the production of insulin. Insulin itself is a hormone produced naturally by the pancreas and works to lower blood sugar levels. If the pancreas is only able to produce less insulin (or not at all) then the person will be exposed to the disease diabetes mellitus. Thus, by eating beans, we also will be spared from the diabetes.

Enhancing properties more noticeably, you can take snaps in a way eaten as fresh vegetables or cooked in stir-stir the form of an additional meat.

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