Cassava (Manihot utilissima), which is also known as cassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of the family Euphorbiaceae. Tuber is widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable, but rather poor in protein. Good source of protein actually contained in the cassava leaves because it contains the amino acid methionine.
Cassava is a tuber or root of the tree to the physical length of an average diameter of 2-3 cm and a length of 50-80 cm, depending on the type of cassava is grown. Tuber flesh is white or yellowish. Cassava could not save it though placed in the refrigerator. Symptoms marked by dark blue color due to the formation of hydrogen cyanide which is toxic to humans.
Some kind of disease that can be treated include:
- Rheumatik. The trick, take 5 pieces of cassava leaves, mix with a little whiting, then knead until crushed cassava leaves. Selanjuttnya, apply to the part that feels attacked or rheumatic pains. Do it 3 times a day.
- Wounds due to scratching. Way, take enough cassava, peeled and grated, then paste / rice bobokan scratching at wounds and bandaged.
- Water fleas. Way, take the young cassava and fresh-picked from the stems. Peel and grate, and stick it on the taxable portion of water fleas. When dry, repeat once more. Apply 2 times a day.
Cassava is something i have heard about for the very first time and i will do give it a try and will check the information you have given in here ,, thanks for sharing