Cabbage - or commonly referred to as cabbage or cabbage - is a leaf vegetable commonly taken to be eaten as vegetables. This plant is native to Southern Europe and Western Europe, where the cabbage is derived from French "Cabus chou" which means cabbage head. While the term "cabbage" comes from the Dutch "kool". Vegetables are named latin Brassica oleracea L. This includes plants Capitata. The leaves are arranged very tightly and form a circle or a sphere flattened called crop / header / head.
Cabbage contain lots of vitamin A, B, C, and E. Vitamin C content was high enough to prevent acute oral thrush (scurvy). The minerals contained in it are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. In addition, fresh cabbage also contains a number of compounds that stimulate the formation of glutathione, a substance required for disabling toxic substances in the human body.
Some properties of cabbage leaves for health include:
- Treating venereal disease. The trick, grab a few pieces of old cabbage leaves, and garlic and onion to taste. Thinly sliced all the ingredients, put in pan, then embunkan for 1 night. Knead, add a little lemon juice, then strain the water. Drink one every morning until cured.
- Hyperaciditas treat. Way, take 1/4 kg cabbage and a carrot size. Finely minced, add 2 cups of water, then strain. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and store in the fridge to cool. Drink for a day, 30 minutes before meals or as a pain in the stomach.
That is really good and informative post, cabbage surely have its benefits but also it has a con as it increases uric acid in the body.
BalasHapusgood topic cabbage is very useful vegetable which not only used as vegetable but also used to fight against some diseases as a medicine because it contains vitamins