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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Benefits Of Mango For Our Health

Everyone would know mangoes. Round shape, yellow flesh color, skin color is generally green, there are also meat and sweet red bersemburat. The fruit is not only preferred by adults, but also children. When young or even raw fruit is much sought after, especially for young children or women who are pregnant salad.

Tropical fruit called latin Mangifera indica comes from India. But now has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Mango plants - which have a wide variety of at least 2000 - could grow well in low-lying areas and temperate heat. But there also can be grown in areas that have a height of up to 600 meters above sea level (masl).

Mango fruit itself are groups of 'rock' fleshy with shape, size, color and flavor (aroma-flavor-texture) range. Mango shape there is a full round, like mango gedong and elliptical, like cotton candy and mango mango where else. There is also a round kopek mango and mango puppet flattened oval.

Kendari shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors of mango variety, but in terms of almost all nutrients are not much different. Fresh mango contains about 82% water, vitamin C, and energy / calories. Energy in the young mango low because it contains a lot of starch, which will turn into sugar in the maturation process.

Most of the energy comes from carbohydrates in the form of mango sugar, which makes it taste sweet. The sugar content is dominated by sugar sucrose group. Sugar content in mango ranged 7-12%. But the kind of sweet mango can reach 16-18%.

Besides the sweet taste and fresh, mango fruit that has many health benefits. For example, can cure influenza illness, increase appetite, heal wounds on the skin, sore throat or cough, and many other diseases. This is due to the content of the substances in it are good for the body. Including vitamin A, C, and E are good for skin rejuvenation and preventing cancer.

In addition there gallic acid is very good for digestion. There is also a good riboflavin content to maintain healthy eyes, mouth, and throat. Surely there are many more substances that are beneficial to the body, if consumed in sufficient quantities.

Well, if spending mango, not just choose cooked or raw. Choose the right quality mangoes, which mature on the tree, yellowish green fruit color, texture dense but not too hard, smooth skin, and a sweet aroma. Avoid choosing pieces that are too loud / soft, discolored, and smelled of fermentation.

Some other benefits of mangoes include:

  • As an herbal fertility for married couples. Way, take the young mango leaves, two red onions, and salt, then mash finely. Combine with 1/2 cup of water, strain, and drink.
  • To overcome the time menstrual bleeding is excessive. The trick, grab a mango skin color is still green and deep fry in hot oil. After a cold, eat. Perform as needed.
  • Treat tooth ache. The trick, grab mango seeds, then rub the surface of the tooth or teeth evenly or on the tooth that was aching.

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