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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

The Benefit Of Watermelon For Our Health

Cold piece of watermelon fresh nan is lucrative to be a healthy snack. Fruit with a high water content, in addition to good to be eaten fresh as a dessert or a drink in the form of juice, it is also nutritious for health.

Watermelon, or Schard Latin name Citrullus vulgaris, is a plant vines. The ball-shaped fruit about the size of a human head size can. It's green with a white stripe. The flesh is generally red, watery and seed, but there are also yellow. But the most important part and contains a lot of nutrients are part of the green near the skin. Clearly, it tastes sweet and fresh, almost everyone likes this one with fruit.

The flesh itself is low in calories and contains water, protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, ash, vitamins (A, B, and C), amino acids, sirulin, aminoasetat acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, arginine, betaine, lycopene, carotene , bromine, sodium, Kalim, sylvite, lysine, fructose, dextrose, and sucrose. Sitrulin and arginine plays a role in the formation of urea in the liver from ammonia and CO2 that increases urine. High content of potassium, may help the heart and normalize blood pressure.

Nutrient-rich watermelon seeds with yellow oil content, protein, sitrulin, vitamin B12, and the enzyme urease. Kukurbositrin active compounds in the seeds can stimulate the kidneys and keeping blood pressure remained normal.

Watermelon is believed to come from the tropics and subtropics of Africa, precisely in the Kalahari desert. According to the study, the fruit was first harvested 5000 years ago in Egypt. According to ancestral beliefs at that time, watermelon is used for the burial of kings so that his spirit gets nutrition in the afterlife. From there, he brought watermelons to countries around the world, including Indonesia. Because it is easy to grow, both in the lowlands and highlands (about 1,000 meters above sea level), this fruit can now be found everywhere. Including roadside, desert shrub, beach, or in the garden and yard.

If you're on a diet, then the watermelon is your good friend. The fruit is fat-free and have unlimited combination of sugar and water content abundant. Moreover, the fruit of this one are quickly filling in the stomach. For those who are troubled with this weight would be good news.

That's not all. Watermelon is also very good for people with hypertension. Kalimnya water content and high blood pressure can menetralisi. In addition, useful watermelon to intensify the work of the heart. Antioxidants including beta-carotene and vitamin C helps the body's cells remain healthy. It also serves to stimulate more rapid discharge of urine, so it is good for those with impaired urination.

One of the benefits of watermelon is probably very useful as anticancer. This is due to the lycopene content in watermelon, which can counteract free radicals and crush the seeds of cancer in the body. Thus, many fruit-eating Banyakan this every day was no problem. Precisely by taking it, the risk of cervical cancer and pancreatic cancer in women proved diminished. Against gastrointestinal cancers, lycopene in watermelon can prevent up to half the risk is reduced. Such as oral cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and cancer anus. Similarly with prostate cancer.

In addition to cancer, substance lycopene is useful to make the face look radiant, refreshed, and more youthful.

Some other benefits of watermelon, including:

  • Reduce fever and prevent thrush
  • Cool down / cool the body in hot weather, laxative urine (diuretic), anti-inflammatory, usu lubricant, and eliminate thirst
  • Drug 'summer heat' (symptomatic disease characterized by a lot of sweat, thirst, increased body temperature, clear urine color, diarrhea, and irritable) in traditional Chinese medicine,
  • For men: boost fertility and help men's sexual arousal
  • For the elderly: restoring health problems more quickly and improve mental abilities and memory acuity

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