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Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

The Bennefits Of Strawberry for Our Body

Strawberries, small pieces of red and black spots is very good for health. The taste is sweet and slightly sour makes him a lot of rage. The content of vitamin C in strawberries contained more than 1 orange orange, because strawberries provides 94 milligrams of vitamin C or vitamin C daily requirement 1.5. Many of the benefits of consuming vitamin C, among others, maintaining healthy teeth and gums remain healthy children, helps wound healing and increase the body's resistance to infection as well as being an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

Eight strawberries or 1 cup cut strawberries contains only 50 calories and contains no cholesterol or saturated fatty acids. The same amount also provides 30 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. This amount is equivalent to 7.5 percent of the daily requirement of folic acid for pregnant women, which is 400 ug. Folic acid is essential to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. In addition, 1 cup strawberries also contain skitar 270 milligrams of potassium, which is one of the mineral potassium is recommended in the diet for people who want to lower blood pressure. Also lack the same amount of approximately 4 grams of fiber, which can help lower blood cholesterol and fat levels nourish the digestive tract. Fruit Strawberries also contain phytochemical compounds that ellagik acid, quercetin, kaempferol, phenolic acids and anthocyanins are known to prevent clumping virgin, one of the causes of heart attack or stroke.

Benefits of Strawberries

According to research conducted by United State Department of Agriculture, benefits will not change even though strawberries are processed into juices, cakes or jam. Research shows, toast spread with strawberry jam containing antioksiden 50 percent more than fresh strawberries.
Consume 1 cup of fresh strawberries every day could reduce the risk of various types of cancer. Including cancer of the cervix, breast, colon, and throat.
Strawberries are nutritious boost brain power and keep the vision remains clear. Benefits can be obtained if you regularly consume strawberries at least one to three cups.
Strawberries can be used as a natural acne remedy, because this fruit contains salicylic acid which is generally conceived by most of the acne drug on the market. How: puree the strawberries, mix with a little yogurth, apply on face, leave on for approximately 15 minutes.
Menguyah strawberries every day is also useful to whiten teeth and eliminate bad breath.
Kendungan strawberries also beneficial for skin smoothing body, being able to lift dead skin cells. How: Soak the pieces of strawberry fruit, a mixture of milk and olive oil. Rub all over your body. If routine skin will become softer, not dull, and the heel will not chapped.
Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and vitamin C in strawberries safe for the stomach.

Strawberries and kenker

Based on research, the amount of which is in the bladder aktioksidan strawberries recorded the highest score. Wherein the antioxidant is a compound that can protect body cells from damage by materials producers have cancer. How to work with antioxidants is to prevent or interrupt that can lead to the formation of cancer cells.

Both of certain substances in the strawberry and strawberry itself appeared to have anti-cancer properties. In an attempt to extract the strawberry by the U.S. Department of Agirculture, the extract showed a great inhibition of the cell growth of cervical cancer and breast cancer cells. Some studies also showed that there ellagik acid in strawberries can inhibit cancer of the lung, esophagus, breast, skin, and liver cancer caused by chemical digestion. In experiments with breast cancer cells, ellagik acid can inhibit the growth to 45 percent. Kuercetin present in strawberries can also inhibit the growth of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

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