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Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Mangosteen Fruit Benefits for Our Body

Mangosteen or often dubbed queen of this fruit has the chemical name Garnicia mangostana. Is a tree fruit crops from tropical forests in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia or Indonesia jungle. Mangosteen fruit has many benefits because it is rich in antioxidant content of the skin and fruit.

Some of the benefits of the mangosteen fruit:

  • Preventing the deadly disease, mangosteen contains xanthones substances that are useful to tackle deadly diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's, and others. Substances that produced mangosteen xanthones can prevent various diseases caused by inflammation, such as arthritis and Alzheimer's (disease dysfunction is one of the brain). Additionally beneficial xanthones also inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors. Mangosteen rind is also multi anticancer properties, antioxidants and efficacious overcome coronary heart disease, HIV, and so on. 

  • Mangosteen peel extract is antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. Besides these extracts are also apotosis destruction of cancer cells. Xanthone contained substances capable of caring for her some types of cancer such as liver cancer, gastrointestinal, lung, and so on. Xanthones in mangosteen skin too powerful to overcome the disease tuberculosis (TB), asthma, leukemia, anti-inflammatory, and antidiarrheal.

  • Relieve pain, a doctor in the United States claim to have replaced drugs to relieve the pain in his neck with mangosteen regularly. Mangosteen fruit is also efficacious to reduce pain.
  • Against free radicals, mangosteen fruit contains catechins which proved to be more effective and more efficient than vitamin C or vitamin E in fighting free radicals in our bodies. Templeman Frederc doctor who wrote the book "A Doctor Challenge, A Mangosteen Solution" recommends consuming mangosteen fruit every day as a food supplement, will get more antioxidants than any supplements offered in medicine. In addition to the content of alpha-mangostin and gamma-maostin the mangosteen fruit also acts as an antibacterial. Alpha-magodtin also known to have the same effectiveness as good as antibiotics that are in the market such as amphicillin and minocycline.

  • Reducing high blood pressure, hypertension or high blood pressure also occur due to a disturbance in the blood vessels, and the risk of heart disease and stroke. Mangosteen fruit can overcome it, especially to normalize body weight.

1 komentar:

  1. YOu are talking about the benefits of steen Fruit i have seen it for the very first time in my life and i don't know else but it looks really amazing



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