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Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

The Benefits Of Betel Leaves

Betel is native to Indonesia which grow vines or leaning on another tree. Height can reach 15 meters. Stem is greenish brown, round, segmented and is the root of where it comes out. The leaves are heart-shaped sole, pointy, grow alternately, stemmed, and remove unpleasant odor when crushed. Leaves about 5-8 cm long and 2-5 cm wide.

As a culture, leaves and fruit commonly eaten by chewing with gambier, betel nut and lime. However, betel chewing has been linked with oral cancer and squamous cell carcinoma formation that is malignant. Conversely, betel is also commonly consumed as a medicinal plant (fitofarmaka). Essential oil of betel leaf oil contains fly (betIephenol), sesquiterpenes, starch, diatase, sugar and tannin substances which have the power and kavikol deadly germs, antioxidants and fungicides, anti-fungal. While the leaves are able to resist bleeding and heal wounds on the skin.

Several kinds of diseases can be treated with betel:

  • Scent the female genitalia. Way, take the betel leaves are yellowish old 10 pieces, boil with enough water or 2 cups to 1 cup of water, then drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
  • Nose bleed. Way, take 1 sheet of betel leaf, folding to stanch the bleeding nose. Do as much as necessary.
  • Jamu Rapet sari. The trick, take the 20 pieces of betel leaf, 4 key segments of the fingers, boil with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup water, drinking water betel 2 times in one week.
  • Heart. Way, take 3 pieces of betel leaf that meet ruasnya, 3 spring onions, 14 bii cubeb fruit (7 pairs), 1 teaspoon white cumin. Combine all ingredients, finely minced, add 4 tablespoons, stir together and strain. Drink 2 times a day.
  • Skin diseases (ulcers). Way, take 5 pieces of betel leaves, wash clean, and then finely minced. Apply to boils and surroundings, dressing. Apply 2 times a day as needed.

1 komentar:

  1. Betel leaves are very famous for their cure to many known and unknown diseases. Thanks for sharing such incredible information.



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